VPKBIET | Baramati

About VPKBIET Central library

VPKBIET has “student-centered institutional development” as a motto. We are committed to pursuing academic excellence to develop students with comprehensive technical knowledge and an integrated personality. We prepare students to think globally, act locally, involve individually, and systemize institutionally to meet emerging industrial and social needs. Our library is serving the bibliographic need of all users through various sources. Our collection is dynamic which includes print, digital, online reading material. The library operation is fully automated. The open-access system in the library enables the students to choose and select the books they need to study. The students do not require to spend much more time to issue and return of books. We try to provide the best library services to our students and staff.

VPKBIET is part of Indian Research Information Network System.


To aid the Institute for rural development through imparting quality education at affordable cost.


To create teaching-learning supportive environment in the library.
To develop a qualitative collection of library To facilitate all-round development of budding engineers through excellence in library services Objectives.
To attract the students towards library collection.
To add new books in the library collection as per the changes in curriculum and syllabus To train the library users for using library.
To provide time-saving services to library user.
To encourage the library users to read beyond the requirements of the curriculum.


To attract the students towards library collection
To add new books in library collection as per the changes in curriculum and syllabus
To train the library users for using library
To provide time saving services to library user
To encourage the library users to read beyond the requirements of curriculum

Library Collection at a glance

The library collection is continually updated as per the collection development policy of the library. The library collection is comprised of printed books, printed journals, digital collections, newspapers, and institutional membership.

Library collection details (till dated 23/10/2024)

Sr. No Item Titles Volumes
1 Books 12660 31640
2 Reference Books 1355 1438
3 CD's 1637 2286
4 Online Journals 428 428
5 Printed journals 65 65
6 Institutional membership 02 02

Library Timing:

Library services 09.30 am to 05.30 pm (Working day)
Reading Section 8 am to 12.00 Midnight (All day)

Online Services

These services are exclusively for current users of the library. Users can access these services within institute campus network from 09.30 am to 05.30 pm on a working day.

Search the books of Library Online

Log in to your library online account

Your library online account User ID is given in Institute ID under the barcode. Enter numeric series except * sign (if given both sides). Enter MEMBER as a password. After successful login set your personal password and re-login for utilizing online services. For any query email to librarian@vpkbiet.org with your full details as per ID - like name, branch, class, batch, etc.

Renew your book online

Issued books can be renewed online on/before given due date for one time only. For the next renewal visit library with book.

Get help for using online services


We have an official Membership of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers), and Springer Nature E-Journals Resource for the year 2023. In these databases, we are having 419 peer-reviewed journal access with back files .

We are also a member of DELNET (Developing Library Network). It helps the library users for an exhaustive search for literature and gets the required documents on loan through the library.

We have access to NPTEL teaching-learning material.

Our institute has a membership in the National digital library.

We are glad to inform you that we have started access to the following ejournals packages on a college campus from any desktop.


It covers Computer Engineering + Computer Science + Electrical and Electronics Engineering + Telecommunications and related disciplines. Total 213 titles are accessible in this package.
List of accessible journals.


It covers Mechanical discipline. Total 171 titles are accessible.
List of accessible journals.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

It Covers Civil Engineering branch. Total 35 titles are accessible.
List of accessible journals.


DELNET provides an array of facilities. DELNET'S relentless efforts in resource sharing have proved extremely effective. It provides access e-books, e-journals, thesis/dissertations, useful links, databases from the various domains (including engineering and technology). It has contributed a lot towards the modernization of libraries in India. Click on the following link to access and know more



The Project entitled "National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST)", being jointly executed by the e-ShodhSindhu Consortium, INFLIBNET Centre and the INDEST-AICTE Consortium, IIT Delhi provides for i) cross-subscription to e-resources subscribed by the two Consortia, i.e. subscription to INDEST-AICTE resources for universities and e-ShodhSindhu resources for technical institutions; and ii) access to selected e-resources to colleges. The N-LIST project provides access to e-resources to students, researchers and faculty from colleges and other beneficiary institutions through server(s) installed at the INFLIBNET Centre. The authorized users from colleges can now access e-resources and download articles required by them directly from the publisher's website once they are duly authenticated as authorized users through servers deployed at the INFLIBNET Centre.
N-LIST Member Login Link


Shodhganga is an Open Access Repository of full-text theses submitted to universities in India. Membership is not required to browse, view, search and download theses available in Shodhganga. However, INFLIBNET signs MoUs with universities so as to facilitate submission of electronic version of theses into Shodhganga and synopses/approved research proposals into Shodhgangotri.

National Digital Library (NDL)

It is a pilot project to develop a framework of a virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility. It includes Educational materials ranging from primary to post-graduate level.

VPKBIET is part of Indian Research Information Network System.

Websites for Open Access Journals

  • Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore.

  • Services Offered by Library

    1. Library Reading hall for study purpose, which open from 8.00 am to 12 midnight with 150 students seating capacity.
    2. The open access to library collection system enables the student to choose and then select the books he/she needs to study.
    3. Fully automated circulation of books for saving time to issue and return.
    4. Book drop box to return issued book library off time.
    5. Online renewal of issued book before due date without visiting library from anywhere.
    6. Online reservation of book if not available for circulation.
    7. Internet facility is provided in the separately with thirty access points exclusively for students.
    8. Reprographic (photocopy, printing and scanning) service is provided in the library.
    9. Newspapers reading section is made available in reading room to users.
    10. Online book search of library through OPAC.
    11. Hard copy of university syllabus and previous years question papers are made available to library users for reference only.
    12. Journals are issued to library users.
    13. Library Reading Hall is connected with Wi-Fi internet.
    14. Access to selected books through departmental libraries located at each department.

    Library Rules

    1.Library is open from 09.30 am to 05.30 pm on college working days for books transactions, digital library and reading printed journals. Reading hall is open from 08.00 am to 12.00 (midnight).
    2. College identity card is must for seating in library reading hall and books transactions.
    3. Maximum three textbooks and three general book are issued to UG student for the duration of ten days.
    4. A set of three books, as per the availability from book bank scheme is issued to UG students for one semester on first come first serve basis.
    5. Maximum five textbooks and Three general books are issued to PG student for the duration of twenty-one days.
    6. One book is issued as carrel issue to use in the library for same day to each student.
    7. Reference book is issued to faculty members for one month, UG students for one day and PG students for 10 days.
    8. After due date fine of Rs. 1/- for first ten days and Rs. 2/- their onwards for textbooks and general books and for Reference book and carrel issue Rs. 5/- for first ten days and Rs. 10/- their onwards is charged to students till date of return.
    9. To return the book to library a user can drop book in book drop box located at circulation counter during off time. Such book will be returned in library working hours only.
    10. User can convey any suggestion/complain through suggestion box kept in library.

    Library Books Circulation Policy

    We have tried to give access to all kinds of books with maximum quantity & duration to all users through flexible circulation policy.

    Sr. No.

    Books collection is divided into the following category i.e. Lending policy

    Description of books which include
    Library users are grouped into following Category
    Staff Undergraduate students Post Graduate Students
    Number of books to be issued Issued for the Period (days) Number of books to be issued Issued for the Period (days) Number of books to be issued Issued for the Period (days)
    1. Textbook University recommended textbooks with syllabus of all classes and branches 10 One Semester 03 10 05 21
    2. General book includes books of communication skills, Aptitude, GRE, TOFEL, Competitive Exams, Biography, Autobiography, Speeches, motivation, Philosophy, Novels, Drama, etc. 05 30 03 10 03 21
    3. Book Bank These books are textbooks that are issued for a long period. Nil Nil 03 One Semester Nil Nil
    4. Reference book This includes the books which need to a for knowing more about specific domain/subject. 05 15 01 01 01 10
    5. Carrel (overnight) issue If the user has issued the Maximum allotted textbook, he/she can issue one additional book under this category. 01 01 01 01 01 01
    21   11   10  

    Note:-Books issued can be kept with the user with renewal from time to time if it is not claimed by other users.

    Library Staff

    Mrs. Pournima Sarode





    Email Id:

    Mrs. Pournima Sarode


    M.Phil,SET(Library and Information Science)

    18 years


    Mrs. Nisha Dere





    Email Id:

    Mrs. Nisha Dere

    Library Assistant

    B.Sc.( Electronics),M.LISc ( Library and Information Science)

    16 years


    Mr. Sanjay Jagtap





    Email Id:

    Mr. Sanjay Jagtap

    Library Assistant

    M. A.(Politics),M.LISc (Library and Information Science)

    22 years
