VPKBIET | Baramati

Department of Electrical Engineering

Dr. Rajveer Shastri

The Electrical Engineering Department of VPKBIET, Baramati has been active since its inception in 2010. Currently 10 Faculty members possessing ME/M.Tech/PhD degree with specialization in various Electrical Engineering disciplines are working in the department. The department has U.G. Programme with about 250 undergraduate students.

Department is having student centric approach and importance is given to quality teaching and learning process through faculty development programmes for teachers and soft skill programmes for students. Special care is taken about the students whose performance is poor in the examinations through counseling and extra classes. The students are encouraged to participate in seminars/Conferences/Workshops conducted by other Engineering Colleges and are more focused to extracurricular and co-curricular activities. Electrical Engineering Students Association (ELESA) is a platform for the students to show their hidden talent. The staff members are encouraged to attend national and state level workshops and industrial training to enhance their knowledge and skills.

Laboratories are well equipped with Latest Experimental and Computational Facilities including PSCAD, MATLAB, PSIM and ETAP Software.

The department organizes Guest Lectures, Faculty Development Programme, workshop and Seminars in Various Specialized fields. This is an opportunity to meet eminent speakers and the exchange ideas in various fields.

Contact No: 02112-239513
To pursue academic excellence and enhance industrial interaction.
  • To provide teaching-learning environment for value added education.
  • To organize expert talks, industrial visits and training programs for students and staff.
  • To arrange soft skills programs, workshop practices to enhance employability skills of students .
  • To undertake industry need based projects for creation of contributing manpower.
  • To prepare the students for placements in reputed industries and to pursue the Post-graduation and research education in the field
          of Electrical Engineering and allied disciplines.
  • To provide the platform to students with competency in mathematics and engineering fundamentals to formulate, analyze, design
          & solve complex engineering problems.
  • To inculcate in students professional and ethical attitude, effective communication skill, teamwork, and an ability to relate
          engineering to global perspective issues and social context.
  • To provide the student with an academic environment that fosters academic excellence, leadership and promote in them the
          awareness of life-long learning.
  • Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

    Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

    Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

    Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

    Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

    The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

    Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

    Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

    Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

    Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

    Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

    Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
    PSO1: Design, analyze, and assess the performance of different types of electrical drives, control system, and power system using the preliminary knowledge of mathematics and Electrical Engineering fundamentals.

    PSO2: Apply the software tools for circuit analysis, design, testing, operating and maintaining electrical and electronic systems and industrial automation using PLCs.
    • To start PG program.
    • To start R&D center and consultancy services.
    • To get NBA accreditation.
    • To increase the number of faculty members to pursue Ph. D. from reputed institutes.
    • To have more interaction with industry.

    Programs Offered

    Title Full time/Part time Duration Intake Established
    B.E.Electrical Engineering Full Time 4 years/ 8 sem 60 2010

    Board of Studies (BoS)

    Board of Studies (BoS) Committee
    Download | BoS Committee 2024-25
    Download | BoS Committee 2023-24
    Minutes of Meeting (MoM)
    Download | MoM (01-08-2024)
    Download | MoM (14-03-2024)
    Download | MoM (13-09-2023)





    Dr. Rajveer Shastri
    Professor & Acting HOD Ph.D.(Electronics)
    Mrs. Pooja Jaiswal
    Assistant Professor B .E (Elect. Engg.),M.Tech(Power Electronics), Ph.D (Pursuing)
    Mr. Rohit Tarade
    Assistant Professor B.Tech.(Elect. Engg.), M. Tech (Power System Engg.)
    Mrs. Jyoti Kulkarni
    Assistant Professor B.Tech.(Elect. Engg.),M.Tech.(Power System), Ph.D (Pursuing)
    Ms. Shrimanti Rokade
    Assistant Professor B.Tech (Electrical),M. Tech (Power System), Ph.D (Pursuing)
    Mr. Pavan Upadhye
    Assistant Professor B.Tech.(Elect. Engg.),M. Tech(Power System Engg.)
    Mr. Dipak Yeole
    Assistant Professor B.E.(Elect.Engg.), M.Tech (Power System Engg.), Ph.D (Pursuing)
    Dr. Hafiz Shaikh
    Assistant Professor BE(Electrical),ME(Control System) & Ph.D.(Electrical Engg)
    Mr. Sandeep Shelar
    Assistant Professor B.E.(Electrical Engg.), M.E (Electrical Power System )
    Mrs. Vaishali Deokate
    Assistant Professor B.E. & M.E.(Electrical Engineering), Ph.D (Pursuing)
    Mr. Shivaji Raskar
    Assistant Professor ME (Electrical Power System), Ph. D. (Pursuing)
    Mr. Ajinkya Golande
    Assistant Professor BE(Electrical Engineering), ME(Power System)
    Mr. Akshay Akhade
    Assistant Professor BE (Electrical Engineering), ME (Power System)


    Mr.Rajaram Jadhav
    Lab Technician Diploma in Industrial Electronics
    Mr. Santosh Magar
    Lab. Technician Diploma in Industrial Electronics
    Mr. Rahul Pawar
    Lab. Assistant ITI (Electrician)


    Basic Electrical Lab.


    Autotransformer: 1 Ph, 0 - 260 V, 10 A Transformer: 1 Ph, 2 kVA, 230/230 V, Tapings: 0%, 50%, 86% & 100%, Trolley mounted Basic Electrical Engineering Experiments Setup

    Lab. Incharge: Mr. Dipak Yeole

    Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation Lab.


    Kelvins Double bridge with Galvanometer, Anderson's bridge with Galvanometer, Water Level Measurement by Electrical Method, Displacement Measurement By LVDT

    Lab. Incharge: Mrs. Pooja Jaiswal

    Electrical Machines Lab.-I


    Auto Transformer, 3 phase Resistive load bank, Rectifier Unit, DC shunt Motor (Cylindrical Pole), DC shunt Motor (Salient Pole ), 3 Phase Squirrel cage I.M coupled with DC Generator, 3 Phase Slip ring I.M coupled with DC Generator, 3 phase Synchronous Generator coupled with DC Generator, 3 Phase Slip ring I.M with mechanical load, Squirrel cage IM with 1 HP , DC shunt motor with BDA 2 HP, Control Panel for DC motor, Phase sequence indicator disc type, Control Panel for 1 HP/ CSCR AC motor

    Lab. Incharge: Mrs Pooja Jaiswal

    Electrical Machines Lab.-II


    3 Resistive Load Bank 412 v 10 A Rectifier unit I/P 3 ,0-412 v O/P 0-250v/100A.D.C., D.C. Shunt Motor Coupled with 3 Alt (Cylindrical Pole), D.C. Shunt Motor Coupled with 3 Alt (Salient Pole), 3 , Squirrel Cage I.M. Coupled with D.C. shunt Generator, slip ring I.M. coupled with D.C. shunt Generator, synchronous motor coupled with D.C. shunt Generator, 3 slip ring I.M. with mechanical Load, squirrel cage I.M. with 1 H.P./230v/1440rpm1 H.P./CSCR AC, D.C. Shunt motor with BDA 2 H.P.,220v/1500rpm, Control panel for D.C. Shunt Motor, control panel for 1 H.P./CSCR AC Motor

    Lab. Incharge: Mr. Ramchandra Rakate

    Micro-controller Lab.


    SPJ-STK-PIC Evolution Board Using PIC18F with interfacing kits, Ultralite PIC Evolution Board using PIC18F with interfacing kits

    Lab. Incharge: Mr. Nikhil Vaidya

    Power Electronics and controlled Drives Lab.


    Nvis 7502D chopper fed DC series motor drive, Nvis 7502G DC chopper converter drive , Nvis 7044 three phase AC voltage controller II 71521, Nvis 7502 single phase half controller drive 091501, Nvis 7502A single phase full controller drive 091501, Nvis 5202B three phase full controller drive 091501, Nvis 7502C three phase half controller drive, Scientech 820 mini Lab oscilloscope with functional generator and power supply , Scientech 829 power scope, Scientech DM97 digital multimeter 3 % digit, Nvis9304t Handheld LCR Meter, Rheostats 1250 0/0.8 A, Rheostats 300 0/0.7 A, Rheostats 750 0/1 A, Rheostats 100 2 A, Contactless tachometer speed upto 20000 rpm, Nvis 7502E three phase voltage source inverter LAB 081502

    Lab. Incharge: Mr. Devasuth Govind

    PLC and SCADA Lab.


    PLC Trainer Kit, SCADA Software

    Lab. Incharge: Ms. Shreemanti Rokade

    Control Systems Lab.


    Potentiometers, A. C. servomotor,of D. C. servomotor, Synchros, Lead Lag Compensator Network and PI/PID controller

    Lab. Incharge: Ms. Shreemanti Rokade

    Switchgear and Protection Lab.


    Potentiometers,Nvis 7501 Protective relay , Nvis 7501 A thermal overload relay , Nvis 7501D percentage differential protection of transformer ,Merz price protection of three phase synchronous machine 081501, Nvis 7501F MCCB , Nvis 7901 over current relay testing system 091537 ,Nvis 7068 Single Phase and Three Phase Inductive Load Bank, Nvis 7068 Single Phase and Three Phase Capacitive Load Bank, Nvis 7501 G MCB Testing Kit

    Lab. Incharge: Mr. Rohit Tarade

    Computer Lab.


    PSIM Software, ETAP Software, MATLAB Software

    Lab. Incharge: Mr. Nikhil Vaidya

    High voltage and Material Science Lab.


    0-60 KV Oil Test kit, 30 KV High Voltage Tester 30 mA with Jig Solid, Horn Gap Apparatus, Corona Cage, High Voltage 100 KV AC and 100 KV DC test set, 100 mm sphere gap assembly, Rod gap apparatus, 1 KV schearing bridge, KVAr measuring Kit, BH Curve Kit, Gauss & Tesla Meter.

    Lab. Incharge: Mr. Pavan Upadhye

    Network Analysis & Electrical Workshop Lab.


    Norton's, Superposition, Reciprocity Theorems for AC & DC kit, Thevenins, Maximum power and Tellegen's Theorem kit, RC/RL circuit kit, kit to determine Z, Y, ABCD parameters to two port network, Digital storage oscilloscope, function generators, Electrical PCB designing equipments, Soldering material, Arduino Atmega 328.

    Lab. Incharge: Mr. Hafiz M. Shaikh

    Power Quality Lab.


    Power quality & energy analyzer Fluke 435 Series II

    This analyser is used for measurement of power quality problem. The measurement process and display of data is optimized to get to the most important information as quickly as possible. Multiple parameters are measured simultaneously. Data can be quickly accessed as simple digital values, trend graphs that give fast insight into changes over time, waveforms, phasor diagrams or analyzed and organized into tabular format such as the event data where the magnitude, duration and time stamping enable rapid correlation to power quality problem. Some important functions are: Energy loss calculator—Calculate money lost to energy waste,inverter efficiency, measurement of dips and swells, harmonics, unbalance, inrush, flicker, transient

    Lab. Incharge: Mr. Devasuth Govind

    Students' Participation


    All students of SE, TE, BE have Participated in Self-paced online course on Machine Learning- Linear Regression by NASSCOM


    Mrs. Jyoti Kulkarni, Rohan Bhagat, vaibhav Ithape, Akshay Tanpure, presented paper on “Battery Management System Using Thermoelectric Cooling For Electric Vehicles” in the event TechnoPHILIA’21 organized by the School of Electrical Engineering, MIT AOE under Spark in association with ISA Pune Section on 17th March 2021


    Akash Khatake (SE-Elect.) has got second prize for Theatre Mimicry Inter College Youth Festival 2019-20 organized by Sharadabai Pawar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Sharadanagar, Baramati.

    Ashish Mahamuni (SE-Elect.) has got consolation prize for Tal Vadhya –Tabala Inter College Youth Festival 2019-20 organized by Sharadabai Pawar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Sharadanagar, Baramati.

    Kapil Thorat (SE-Electrical) and Apurva Dhumal (TE-Electrical) and their team have got third prize for Folk Dance Inter College Youth Festival 2019-20 organized by Sharadabai Pawar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Sharadanagar, Baramati.

    Faculty Participation


    Mr. Akshay Akhade

    Mr. Akshay Akhade has completed Training on "Energy Literacy Training" by Energy Swaraj Foundation on 20 Dec. 2022.

    Mr. Akshay Akhade has attended webinar on "Adopting CI/CD Best-practices for an Enterprise conducted by Techgig" on 14 Dec. 2022.

    Mr. Akshay Akhade has attended webinar on "Algorithm in Artificial Intelligence conducted by Edureka" on 15 Nov 2022.

    Mr. Akshay Akhade has attended webinar on "Vacuum Technology" on 1 Nov. 2022 .

    Mr. Akshay Akhade has attended online workshop on "Future of Manufacturing Automation" on 1 Nov. 2022.


    Mr. R. S. Tarade

    Attended program on "Intellectual Property Awareness Program" on 08th Jan. 2022 at Department of Biotechnology, VP’s Arts, Science and Commerce College, Baramati

    Attended webinar on "National Education Policy: Impetus to Innovation and Entrepreneurial Revolution" at VPKBIET, Baramati on 22nd Jan 2022.

    Attended Microsoft FDP on Artificial Intelligence at VPKBIET, Baramati on 3rd to 5th Dec. 2021

    Attended webinar on "Career Opportunities in Electrical Mobility" on 21st Sep 2021

    Attended Webinar on "Awareness about Various Skilling Initiatives by NASSCOM" on 20th Sep 2021

    Mrs. S. D. Rokade

    Attended program on "Intellectual Property Awareness Program" at Department of Biotechnology, VP’s Arts, Science and Commerce College, Baramati on 08th Jan 2022

    Attended Webinar on Safety of EV Rosefeid B2B evolving Energy on 16th Dec. 2021

    Attended Webinar on "NAAC Assessment and Accreditation process of NAAC" on 16th Dec. 2021

    Attended webinar on "Career Opportunities in Electrical Mobility" on 21st Sep 2021

    Attended Webinar on "Awareness about Various Skilling Initiatives by NASSCOM" on 20th Sep 2021

    Mr. P. D. Upadhye

    Attended program on "Intellectual Property Awareness Program" at Department of Biotechnology, VP’s Arts, Science and Commerce College, Baramati on 08th Jan 2022

    Attended webinar on "National Education Policy: Impetus to Innovation and Entrepreneurial Revolution" at VPKBIET, Baramati on 22nd Jan 2022.

    Attended Webinar on Safety of EV Rosefeid B2B evolving Energy on 16th Dec. 2021

    Attended Webinar on "NAAC Assessment and Accreditation process of NAAC" on 16th Dec 2021

    Attended webinar on "Career Opportunities in Electrical Mobility" on 21st Sep 2021

    Attended Webinar on "Awareness about Various Skilling Initiatives by NASSCOM" on 20th Sep 2021

    Mr. D. S. Yeole

    Attended Online FDP of AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy on Power Electronics and its control in Electric Mobility and energy storage College of Engineering, Pune on 17th to 21st Jan 2022

    Attended program on "Intellectual Property Awareness Program" organized by Department of Biotechnology, VP’s Arts, Science and Commerce College, Baramati on 08th Jan 2022

    Attended webinar on "National Education Policy: Impetus to Innovation and Entrepreneurial Revolution" organized by VPKBIET, Baramati on 22nd Jan 2022.

    Attended Webinar on Basics of writing research paper organized by CoEP, Pune on 11th Dec. 2021

    Attended Webinar on Introduction to the Smart Charging Solution organized by DynaFusion Technologies Pvt. Ltd. on 24th Nov 2021

    Attended webinar on "Career Opportunities in Electrical Mobility" on 21st Sep 2021

    Attended Webinar on "Awareness about Various Skilling Initiatives by NASSCOM" on 20th Sep 2021

    Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on Electric Vehicle: Challenges in Charging & Their Impact on Power Grid organised by College Of Engineering Thalassery from 6th to 9th Sep 2021

    Mrs. P. N. Jaiswal

    Attended International Workshop on "Solar Thermal Energy Storage (online mode) organized by Department of Hydro and Renewable Energy, IIT Roorkee from 12th to 13th Dec. 2021

    Attended virtual FDP on Idea Generation Methods organised by ICT Academy from 20th to 24th Sep 2021

    Attended webinar on "Career Opportunities in Electrical Mobility" on 21st Sep 2021

    Attended Webinar on "Awareness about Various Skilling Initiatives by NASSCOM" on 20th Sep 2021
    Workshop on PLC SCADA

    20th Dec. 2021

    The first session of third day 20th December 2021 of FE Student induction program was started with delightful session of “Energy conservation ”. under Institution’s Innovation Council The session was conducted by faculty of department of Electrical Engineering Mrs. Pooja N. Jaiswal.

    The session was about importance and need of energy conservation. Mrs.Pooja N Jaiswal has explained the scope of energy conservation in various sectors like agriculture, industries and domestic applications. Then she discussed about the efforts taken by the government of India, its policies, functioning and initiatives. She elaborated the energy conservation in day to day life. She taught how to calculate the power consumption of any electrical equipment and its star rating meaning, She compared the various electrical equipment based on their power consumption, rating and energy savings . She has also discussed about "Solar photovoltaic system design and application”, centre of excellence, its mission and working She concluded her session with energy saving appeal

    Mrs. J. S. Kulkarni

    Attended ATAL FDP on Planning and Operation of Smart Grids: Recent Trends and Developments organized by TKM COE on 6th to 10th Dec 21

    Attended webinar on "Career Opportunities in Electrical Mobility" on 21st Sep 2021

    Attended Webinar on "Awareness about Various Skilling Initiatives by NASSCOM" on 20th Sep 2021

    Attended ATAL FDP on Blockchain organised by Punjab Engineering College from 30th Aug to 3rd Sep 2021

    Mr. N. C. Vaidya

    Organized a webinar on Awareness about Various Skilling Initiatives by NASSCOM on 20th Sep 2021.

    Attended webinar on "Career Opportunities in Electrical Mobility" on 21st Sep 2021

    Mr. R. A. Rakate

    Attended webinar on "Career Opportunities in Electrical Mobility" on 21st Sep 2021

    Attended Webinar on "Awareness about Various Skilling Initiatives by NASSCOM" on 20th Sep 2021

    Attended webinar on "Entrepreneurship and Start-up basics" organised by VPKBIET, Baramati on 18th Sep 2021

    Mr. H. M. Shaikh

    Attended workshop on German Language at CoE of English and Foreign Languages (CEEFL) VPKBIET, Baramati on 29th Jan. 2022

    Attended webinar on National Voters’ Day at VPKBIET, Baramati on 25th Jan. 2022

    Attended webinar on "National Education Policy: Impetus to Innovation and Entrepreneurial Revolution" at VPKBIET, Baramati on 22nd Jan 2022.

    Attended Microsoft FDP on Artificial Intelligence organized by VPKBIET, Baramati from 3rd to 5th Dec. 2021

    Attended webinar on "Career Opportunities in Electrical Mobility" on 21st Sep 2021

    Attended Webinar on "Awareness about Various Skilling Initiatives by NASSCOM" on 20th Sep 2021

    Attended webinar on "Entrepreneurship and Start-up basics" organised by VPKBIET, Baramati on 18th Sep 2021

    Mr. S. D. Shelar

    Attended workshop on German Language at CoE of English and Foreign Languages (CEEFL) VPKBIET, Baramati on 29th Jan. 2022

    Attended webinar on National Voters’ Day at VPKBIET, Baramati on 25th Jan. 2022

    Attended webinar on "National Education Policy: Impetus to Innovation and Entrepreneurial Revolution" at VPKBIET, Baramati on 22nd Jan 2022.

    Attended webinar on "Career Opportunities in Electrical Mobility" on 21st Sep 2021

    Attended Webinar on "Awareness about Various Skilling Initiatives by NASSCOM" on 20th Sep 2021

    Attended webinar on "Entrepreneurship and Start-up basics" organised by VPKBIET, Baramati on 18th Sep 2021

    Mrs. V. V. Deokate

    Attended webinar on "National Education Policy: Impetus to Innovation and Entrepreneurial Revolution" at VPKBIET, Baramati on 22nd Jan 2022.

    Attended International Workshop on Solar Thermal Energy Storage (online mode) Department of Hydro and Renewable Energy organized by IIT Roorkee from 13th to 14th Dec 2021

    Attended Webinar on Basics of writing research paper organizd by CoEP, Pune on 11th Dec 2021

    Attended webinar on Innovation: A case study organized by IEEE Education Society and COEP, Pune on 12th Nov 2021.


    Jyoti Kulkarni

    Attended One week Design of EV workshop using Matlab by Pantech solutions from 5/7/2021 to 9/7/2021

    Attended One week workshop on "AICTE incorporating Universal Human Values in Education (An AICTE Initiative)" from 7/6/2021 to 12/6/2021

    Attended one week EV workshop by Pantech solutions from 5/5/2021 to 9/5/2021

    Attended AICTE Workshop on “Eliminating stress & worry from life” on 12/04/2021

    Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Artificial Intelligence" NIT Tiruchirappalli. from 28/12/2020 to 1/1/2021

    Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Electric Vehicles" University College of Engineering Villupuram. from 30/11/2020 to 4/12/2020

    Attended Online One Week STTP on “IoT & Advanced Power Electronics Applications in Smart Grid” K. K. Wagh Institute ofEngineering Education and Research, Nashik from 10/8/2020 to 14/8/2020

    Attended Advancements in Electrical Engineering: An Academic & Industrial Approach NIT, Silchar from 3/8/2020 to 7/8/2020

    Attened One week FDP on Modern Trends in Electrical DrivesNIT, Nagpur from 19/5/2020 to 23/5/2020.

    Secured 91% (Gold Certificate) in NPTEL online certification on Enhancing Soft skills and personality (8 Week Course)

    Nikhil Vaidya

    Attended Six days “Innovative Teaching Learning Methods” organized by AICTE /ISTE Approved Program -III 06/05/2021 -12/05/2021 AICTE /ISTE Approved Program

    Visited the allocated hospital for “Oxygen Audits” for ENTIRE Hospital (Covid and Non Covid sections), which includes the checking of supply of oxygen supply systems, adhering to the guidelines mentioned in the office order issued by the Hon’ble Collector of Pune District Shri. Rajeshji Deshmukh (ref no- जि. का . / क्रं आ .व्य./ कावि /८७४/२०२१, दिनांक - १०/०५/२०२१). The audits were conducted between 17th May 2021 to 22nd2021

    Successfully completed the AICTE-ISTE approved Orientation/Refresher Programme on “Improving Excellence in Teaching” held during 24.04.2021 to 30.04.2021 organized by Anantrao Pawar College of Engineering & Research, Parvati, Pune, Maharashtra.

    Participated in 10 Hours of Faculty Development Program on Circuit Design using AutoCAD Electrical (Online Live FDP) coConducted by ICT Academy on 25 Jan 2021 to 30 Jan 2021

    Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Electric Vehicles" from 2020-10-5 to 2020-10-9 at All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society's College of Engineering Pune.

    Short-Term Training Program on “IoT& Advanced Power Electronics Applications in Smart Grid” Sponsored by AICTE and organized by the Department of electrical Engineering, K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik from 10th August to 14th August 2020.

    A short course onLearn to Design your own Solar Home System Energy LiteracyDrive of the Energy Swaraj Foundationin association with Vidya Pratishthan’sKamalnayan Bajaj Institute of Engineering and Technology

    Name of Workshop/Seminar/FDP Trainer/Agency Date
    Dr. N. B. Wagh
    30 Days MATLAB Simulink Master Class Pantech Solutions, Chennai 23 Nov. to 22 Dec. 2020
    10 days webinar series on MATLAB MASTER CLASS 2020 Pantech Proalabs India Pvt. ltd -
    Online short course on Learn to Design your own Solar Home System Energy Swaraj Foundation in association with VPKBIET, Baramati 6 to 11 Aug. 2020
    Mrs. Jyoti Kulkarni
    AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Five daysFDP on "ELECTRIC VEHICLE" K S Rangaswami COE 4 Jan. to 8 Jan. 2021
    AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Five days FDP on "ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE" NIT Tiruchirapalli 28 Dec. 2020 to 1 Jan. 2021
    30 Days MATLAB Simulink Master Class Pantech Solutions, Chennai 23 Nov. to 22 Dec. 2020
    Online FDP on "Electric Vehicles " A 09.12.2020 AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) 30 Nov. to 04 Dec. 2020
    Online One Week STTP on IoT & Advanced Power Electronics Applications in Smart Grid K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik 10 to 14 Aug. 2020
    Online One Week FDP on Advancements in Electrical, Engineering An Academic & Industrial Approach NIT, Silchar 3 to 7 Aug. 2020
    One week online FDP on Environmental Sustainability & Green Energy GWCOE, Nagpur 29 June to 3 July 2020
    One week online FDP on Modern Trends in Electrical Drives NIT, Nagpur 19 to 23 May 2020
    Mr. Rohit Tarade
    One Week STTP on IoT& Advanced Power Electronics Applications in Smart Grid K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik 31 Aug. to 5 Sep. 2020
    Online One Week STTP on IoT & Advanced Power Electronics Applications in Smart Grid K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik 10 to 14 Aug 2020
    One week online FDP on Recent IT Technologies, Writing Papers and Funding Proposals RIT, Islampur 20 to 24 June 2020
    One week online FDP on New Challenges & Issues of Indian Electricity Market for Upcoming Decade-2030 MSEDCL’S Institute of Training & Safety Eklahare, Nashik 11 to 15 May 2020
    Ms. Shrimanti Rokade
    FDP on Application of IoT for Smart City development AICTE sponsored ATAL Faculty development program 21 Jan. to 25 Jan. 2021
    Mrs. Pooja Jaiswal
    Five day FDP on ''Advances in Power Electronics for Hybrid Electric Vehicle-2020 NIT, Andhra Pradesh 11 Dec. to 15 Dec. 2020
    Online short course on Learn to Design your own Solar Home System Energy Swaraj Foundation in VPKBIET, Baramati 15 Aug.2020
    3 Days online Skill Development Program on Application Development and Deployment using MATLAB & Simulink VPKBIET, Baramati in collaboration with DesignTech Systems Pvt. Ltd., Pune 10 to 12 Aug 2020
    Two Days National Online FDP on Designing and Implementation of Outcome BasedEducation (OBE) Model MSP Mandal's Shri Muktanand College, Gangapur, Aurangabad 7 to 8 July 2020
    One week online FDP on Renewable Energy Sources: A Way ahead MKSSS's Cummins college of Engineering for Women, Nagpur 15 to 21 May 2020
    Three Days Online FDP on Research, Funding and IPR K. C. College of Engineering& management and Research, Thane 7 to 9 May 2020
    Mr. Pavan Upadhye
    Online short course on Learn to Design your own Solar Home System Energy Swaraj Foundation in association with VPKBIET, Baramati 13 Aug 2020
    Mr. Dipak Yeole
    AICTE-ISTE sponsored online Refresher/Induction Program on “Outcome Based Pedagogic Principles For Effective Teaching In Engineering” GMB (GUJARAT MARITIME BOARD) POLYTECHNIC, RAJULA (GUJARAT) 18 Jan. to 23 Jan. 2021
    AICTE sponsored 6 days STTP program - Slot III on the topic “EMERGING TRENDS IN MICRO/ NANO SENSOR AND ACTUATORS FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS” Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College (An Autonomous Institution), Puducherry 26 Dec. 2020 to 02 Jan. 2021
    AICTE sponsored 2 Weeks online FDP on Electric Vehicle Design, its Application and Control Strategies P.E.S. Modern College of Engineering, Pune 1 Dec. to 14 Dec. 2020
    Six days AICTE approved online STTP on "Hybrid and Electric Vehicle: Development, Integration and Challenges Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode 23 Nov. 2020 to 28 Nov. 2020
    Online AICTE sponsored oneweek STTP on Electric Vehicles: Challenges and Opportunities Sagar Institute of Research and Technology, Bhopal 24 to 29 Aug 2020
    Online One Week STTP on IoT & Advanced Power Electronics Applications in Smart Grid K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik 10 to 14 Aug 2020
    One week online Training Program on Experiences in Solar Energy: Challenges & Opportunities Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering (PCCOE, Pune) 8 to 13 June 2020
    One week online Training Program on Experiences in Solar Energy: Challenges & Opportunities Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering (PCCOE, Pune) 8 to 13 June 2020
    One Month International online FDP on Environment and Sustainability D Y Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi Pune –411044 1 to 30 May 2020
    Three weeks Online 8 Credit Course on WhatsApp Outcome Based Education D Y Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi Pune –411044 24 March to 14 April 2020
    Mr. Nikhil Vaidya
    Virtual 5 Day FDP on Circuit Design using AutoCAD ICT Academy 25 Jan. to 30 Jan. 2021
    Online One Week STTP on IoT & Advanced Power Electronics Applications in Smart Grid K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik 10 to 14 Aug 2020
    Online short course on Learn to Design your own Solar Home System Energy Swaraj Foundation in association with VPKBIET, Baramati 13 Aug 2020
    One week online FDP on Advanced Trends in Engineering NIT,Nagpur in association with Institution of Engineers, Nagpur 19 to 23 May 2020
    One week online Workshop on Basics of Solar PV & Design of Solar PV Power Plant ReTranspower Energy Solutions, Baramati 8 to 12 May 2020
    Mr. Ramchandra Rakate
    One week AICT-ISTE Approved refresher program on " Innovative Teaching Learning Methods" AICTE ISTE Online course, VPKBIET 7 Dec. to 12 Dec. 2020
    Online short course on Learn to Design your own Solar Home System Energy Swaraj Foundation in association with VPKBIET, Baramati 11 Aug. 2020
    3 Days online Skill Development Program on Application Development and Deployment using MATLAB & Simulink VPKBIET, Baramati in collaboration with DesignTech Systems Pvt. Ltd., Pune 10 to 12 Aug 2020
    One week online FDP on Introduction to Outcome Based Education and Enhancing Quality of Teaching Learning Process Govindrao Wanjari College of Engineering & Technology, Polytechnic, Nagpur 15 to 19 June 2020
    One week online FDP on Research Methodology and Tools Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Centre, Nashik 11 to 15 May 2020
    One week online FDP on Research Project Funding & IPR K. C. College of Engineering &Management Studies &Research, Thane 7 to 10 May 2020.
    Mr. Hafiz Shaikh
    One week AICT-ISTE Approved refresher program on " Innovative Teaching Learning Methods" AICTE ISTE Online course, VPKBIET 7 Dec. to 12 Dec. 2020
    One-week Online Faculty Development Program on Architectural design using Sketch Up ICT Academy 21 to 25 Sep. 2020
    Online One Week STTP on IoT & Advanced Power Electronics Applications in Smart Grid K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik 10 to 14 Aug 2020
    Online One Week STTP on IoT & Advanced Power Electronics Applications in Smart Grid K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik 10 to 14 Aug 2020
    3 Days online Skill Development Program on Application Development and Deployment using MATLAB & Simulink VPKBIET, Baramati in collaboration with DesignTech Systems Pvt. Ltd., Pune 10 to 12 Aug 2020
    Online short course on Learn to Design your own Solar Home System Energy Swaraj Foundation in association with VPKBIET, Baramati 11 Aug 2020
    One Week Online Workshop on Putting Science and Engineering in Practice using MATLAB Online MIT ADT University, Pune 28 July to 1 Aug 2020
    Mr. Sandeep Shelar
    Online short course on Learn to Design your own Solar Home System Energy Swaraj Foundation in association with VPKBIET, Baramati 14 Aug 2020
    3 Days online Skill Development Program on Application Development and Deployment using MATLAB & Simulink VPKBIET, Baramati in collaboration with DesignTech Systems Pvt. Ltd., Pune 10 to 12 Aug 2020
    Mr. Shridhar Rakhonde
    Five days "EV Design using MATLAB" PANTECH SOLUTIONS 29 Mar. 2021 to 2 Apr. 2021
    Written Communication for Digital teaching ,adminstration & research Under TEQIP-III by BATU Lonere 22 Mar. 2021 to 24 Mar. 2021
    Faculty Orientation Program for SE Electrical Engineering 2019 Pattern semester-II (Electrical machine-I) PES’s Modern College of Engineering, Shivajinagar, Pune-05. 27 Mar. 2021
    Five days "Power Electrinics using MATLAB" PANTECH SOLUTIONS 12 Mar. 2021 to 16 Mar. 2021
    "6 -Days(One week) Online AICTE/MRSTE Sponsored short term training program on CURRENT DEVELOPMENT IN ENERGY & POWER SECTOR" GZS Campus College of Engineering, MRSTU, Bathinda(Punjab)" 08 Mar. 2021 to 13 Mar. 2021
    Improving PWM Resolution for Real-Time Power Electronics Mathworks 23 Feb 2021.
    "Introduction to Simulink for System Modeling and Simulation" Mathworks 19 Jan. 2021
    AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Five days FDP on "Energy Engineering" G.L.Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management 04 Jan. 2021 to 08 Jan. 2021
    30 Days MATLAB Simulink Master Class Pantech Solutions, Chennai 23 Nov. to 22 Dec. 2020
    02 Days Faculty Development Program On “Power System Design Simulation and Analysis using DIgSILENTPowerFactory Software" DIgSILENT GmbH, Germany in association with M/s DELLSOFT Technologies Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 11 Dec. to 12 Dec. 2020
    Five day FDP on 'Advances in Power Electronics for Hybrid Electric Vehicle-2020 NIT, Andhra Pradesh 11 Dec. to 15 Dec. 2020
    One week AICT-ISTE Approved refresher program on " Innovative Teaching Learning Methods" AICTE ISTE Online course, VPKBIET 07 Dec. to 12 Dec. 2020
    30 Days MATLAB Simulink Master Class Pantech Solutions, Chennai 23 Nov. to 22 Dec. 2020
    Online FDP on "Electric Vehicles" AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) 30 Nov. to 04 Dec.2020
    Webinar on Recent Developments in Solar Based Renewable Energy System”ByProf.(Dr.) FredeBlaabjerg, President IEEE-PELS Government Engineering College,Bharuch 20 Oct. 2020
    A short course on Learn to Design your own Solar Home System Energy Literacy Drive of the Energy Swaraj Foundation in association with Vidya Pratishthan’s KamalnayanBajaj Institute of Engineering and Technology, Baramati 15 Sep 2020
    "Outcome Based Education & Accreditation for Engineering Colleges" G H Raisoni Institute of engineering and technology, Nagpur 11 Sep. 2020
    Ms. V. D. Burungale
    Virtual 5 Day FDP on Circuit Design using AutoCAD ICT Academy 25 Jan. to 30 Jan. 2021
    six days online training program on " Advanced Power System Optimization Using General Modeling Systems (GAMS)" by IEEE Educational Activities Committee, IEEE Bombay, Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar 18 Jan. to 23 Jan. 2021
    One week AICT-ISTE Approved refresher program on " Innovative Teaching Learning Methods" AICTE ISTE Online course, VPKBIET 07 Dec. to 12 Dec. 2020
    One Week “Certificate Course on Digital Teaching Techniques” ICT Academy 23 Nov. to 28 Nov. 2020.

    Workshop on PLC SCADA

    16 to 18 March 2019

    Department of Electrical Engineering organised a Workshop on PLC SCADA during 16 to 18 March 2019 in collaboration with Impluse Technologies, Pune. The Depart-ment also signed MoU with the Impulse Technologies for PLC SCADA Applications.


    • Mussum ipsum cacilds

      11 hours ago via Twitter

      Mussum ipsum cacilds, vidis litro abertis. Consetis adipiscings elitis. Pra lá , depois divoltis porris, paradis. Paisis, filhis, espiritis santis. Mé faiz elementum girarzis, nisi eros vermeio, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo. Manduma pindureta quium dia nois paga. Sapien in monti palavris qui num significa nadis i pareci latim. Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis.

    • Mussum ipsum cacilds

      Mussum ipsum cacilds, vidis litro abertis. Consetis adipiscings elitis. Pra lá , depois divoltis porris, paradis. Paisis, filhis, espiritis santis. Mé faiz elementum girarzis, nisi eros vermeio, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo. Manduma pindureta quium dia nois paga. Sapien in monti palavris qui num significa nadis i pareci latim. Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis.

    • Mussum ipsum cacilds

      Mussum ipsum cacilds, vidis litro abertis. Consetis adipiscings elitis. Pra lá , depois divoltis porris, paradis. Paisis, filhis, espiritis santis. Mé faiz elementum girarzis, nisi eros vermeio, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo. Manduma pindureta quium dia nois paga. Sapien in monti palavris qui num significa nadis i pareci latim. Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis.

    • Mussum ipsum cacilds

      Mussum ipsum cacilds, vidis litro abertis. Consetis adipiscings elitis. Pra lá , depois divoltis porris, paradis. Paisis, filhis, espiritis santis. Mé faiz elementum girarzis, nisi eros vermeio, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo. Manduma pindureta quium dia nois paga. Sapien in monti palavris qui num significa nadis i pareci latim. Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis.

    • Mussum ipsum cacilds

      11 hours ago via Twitter

      Mussum ipsum cacilds, vidis litro abertis. Consetis adipiscings elitis. Pra lá , depois divoltis porris, paradis. Paisis, filhis, espiritis santis. Mé faiz elementum girarzis, nisi eros vermeio, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo. Manduma pindureta quium dia nois paga. Sapien in monti palavris qui num significa nadis i pareci latim. Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis.

    • Mussum ipsum cacilds

      Mussum ipsum cacilds, vidis litro abertis. Consetis adipiscings elitis. Pra lá , depois divoltis porris, paradis. Paisis, filhis, espiritis santis. Mé faiz elementum girarzis, nisi eros vermeio, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo. Manduma pindureta quium dia nois paga. Sapien in monti palavris qui num significa nadis i pareci latim. Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis.

    • Mussum ipsum cacilds

      Mussum ipsum cacilds, vidis litro abertis. Consetis adipiscings elitis. Pra lá , depois divoltis porris, paradis. Paisis, filhis, espiritis santis. Mé faiz elementum girarzis, nisi eros vermeio, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo. Manduma pindureta quium dia nois paga. Sapien in monti palavris qui num significa nadis i pareci latim. Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis.

    • Mussum ipsum cacilds

      Mussum ipsum cacilds, vidis litro abertis. Consetis adipiscings elitis. Pra lá , depois divoltis porris, paradis. Paisis, filhis, espiritis santis. Mé faiz elementum girarzis, nisi eros vermeio, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo. Manduma pindureta quium dia nois paga. Sapien in monti palavris qui num significa nadis i pareci latim. Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis.


    May/June-2024 Toppers:

    Final Year(BE) CGPA

    1. Rupesh Gaikwad - 9.63
    2. Sneha Jagtap - 9.60
    3. Vaibhavi Jumbad - 9.43
    4. Tejaswi Kolekar - 9.32
    5. Vaibhav Gawade - 9.25

    Third Year(TE) SGPA

    1. Jayshri Autade - 9.55
    2. Pavan Bhujbal - 9.48
    3. Chaitrali Jatte - 9.26
    4. Poonam Phulse /Vaibhav Pukale/Luxman Tate - 9.1
    5. Rohan Wabale - 8.95

    Second Year(SE) SGPA

    1. Varad Shinde - 9.43
    2. Vaishnavi Shirke - 8.82
    3. Kajal Lagad - 8.66
    4. Vaishnavi Dhane - 8.57
    5. Akshata Kumbhar - 8.5

    May/June-2023 Toppers:

    Final Year(BE) CGPA

    1. Poonam Jadhav -9.52
    2. Sagar Talke -9.23
    3. Jyoti Kadam -9.17
    4. Mandar Sawant -9.16
    5. Pranit Kulkarni -9.14

    Third Year(TE) SGPA

    1. Vaibhavi Jumbad -9.29
    2. Sneha Jagtap -8.86
    3. Naval Dhumal -8.83
    4. Rupesh Gaikwad -8.79
    5. Mayur Kokare -8.6

    Second Year(SE) SGPA

    1. Shruti Kekan -8.27
    2. Jayshri Autade -8.09
    3. Chaitraliv Jatte -7.66
    4. Pavan Bhujbal -7.57
    5. Prajakta Jadhav -7.57

    May/June-2022 Toppers:

    Final Year(BE) CGPA

    1. Khade R.B - 9.66
    2. Khawale G.D - 9.64
    3. Pokale K.R - 9.5
    4. Taur R.H - 9.39
    5. Shinde.S.V - 9.25

    Third Year(TE) SGPA

    1. Pranit Kulkarni - 9.81
    2. Manisha Yewale - 9.74
    3. Himanshu Sherka5R - 9.69
    4. Shubham Kumbhar - 9.57
    5. Mandar Sawant - 9.48

    Second Year(SE) SGPA

    1. Vaibhavi Jumbed - 8.77
    2. Sneha Jagtap - 8.57
    3. Mayur Kokare - 8.52
    4. Dipak Londhe - 8.39
    5. Prajakta Kambale - 8.32

    May/June-2021 Toppers:

    Final Year(BE) SGPA

    1. Dange S.G./Kulkarni S.S.- 10
    2. Bhoomkar A. B. - 9.95
    3. Miskin M. G. - 9.93
    4. Govekar P. R./Velhal S. S.- 9.91
    5. Ithape V.V./Landge S.S./Nalawade O. H./Parade S.K./Shingade T.M.- 9.89

    Third Year(TE) SGPA

    1. Khawale G. D./Popade S.N./Salunke S. N.- 9.98
    2. Khadke R.B./Pokale K. R./Rajeshirke R. P.- 9.96
    3. Vinaya Dhane- 9.93
    4. Kalyani Sutar- 9.91
    5. Chaudhari P.S./Dugam P. D./Pomane A.C./Shinde S. V. - 9.89

    Second Year(SE) SGPA

    1. Poonam Jadhav- 9.36
    2. Jyoti Kadam -9.27
    3. Pranit Kulkarni -9.25
    4. Arvind Kale -9.11
    5. Himanshu Sherkar -9.02

    May/June-2020 Toppers:

    Final Year(BE) SGPA

    1. Sonali Narawde -9.7
    2. Rahul Asabe -9.61
    3. Ashwini Kolekar - 9.59
    4. Gauri Deshumukh -9.57
    5. Swati Kupate - 9.43
    5. Raksha Patil -9.43

    Third Year(TE)SGPA

    1. Sakshi Kulkarni - 9.17
    2. Swapnil Rajewar - 8.93
    3. Shekhar Sonawane - 8.74
    4. Sharyu Parade -8.5
    5. Shyam Dange - 8.28

    Second Year(SE) SGPA

    1 . Ramdas Khadke - 9.36
    2. Ganesh Khawale - 9.22
    3. Saurav Salunkhe - 9.1
    4. Pratiksha Chaudhari - 8.92
    5. Shubham Tipale - 8.82

    May/June-2019 Toppers:

    Final Year(BE) SGPA

    1. Mrunal Bhong-9.36
    2. Swapnil Jadhav-9.34
    3. Kajal Dhane/Priyanka Pawar-9.18
    4. Vaishnavi Patil-9.16
    5. Supriya Dangat-9.11

    Third Year(TE) SGPA

    1. Raksha Patil-9.65
    2. Ashwini Kolekar-9.09
    3. Sonali Narawade-9.04
    4. Rahul Asabe-9.02
    5. Swati Kupate-8.80

    Second Year(SE) SGPA

    1. Swapnil Rajewar-8.68
    2. Prashant Gadhe-8.22
    3. Pranoti Govekar-7.88
    4. Vaibhav Ithape-7.7
    5. Rajesh Paikrao-7.5

    Industrial Visits

    Industrial Visit

    Industrial visit is an integral part of the academic curriculum which provides students the greater insight about the working environment of an organization. Institute organizes regular visits to various industries in order to understand and learn the emerging trends in the field of engineering & technology.
    Industrial visit to MAHAGENCO Solar Power Plant, Shirsuphal, Tal- Baramati, Dist- Pune

    25th September 2024

    TE Electrical

    Ms. Shrimanti Rokade, Mr. Shivaji Raskar

    An industrial visit was organized to the Shirsuplal Solar Power Plant, Baramati,Dist.Pune.on 25 September 2024. The visit aimed to provide students with practical exposure to the workings of a solar power plant and its components. This hands-on experience was essential for reinforcing theoretical concepts covered in the classroom.

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    Industrial visit to Bhatghar Hydro Electric Power Station, Bhor, Dist. Pune

    12th September 2024

    TE Electrical

    Mr. Dipak Yeole, Mrs. Pooja Jaiswal

    The visit aimed to provide students with practical exposure to the workings of a hydroelectric power plant and its components. This hands-on experience was essential for reinforcing theoretical concepts covered in the classroom.

    Download Report

    Industrial visit to 220 KV Substation, MSETCL, Baramati

    14th December 2022

    SE Electrical

    Mr. P. D. Upadhye, Mrs. V. V. Deokate, Mr. H. M. Shaikh, Mr. S. D. Shelar

    MSETCL is a state owned Transmission Company of Maharashtra state. 220 kV substation at Baramati is an important substation in western region of Maharashtra which transmits power to Solapur, Satara, Kolhapur, Sangli districts and some part of Pune district.

    Mr. Dhiraj Dehankar, Assistant Engineer and Mr. Tushar Walimbe, Assistant Engineer from MSETCL acted as resource persons for the industrial visit. Initially, students were made aware about the single line diagram of 220 kV substation and then yard visit was carried out. Students could see the real life CTs, PTs, Power Transformers, different insulations such as bushings made of porcelain, PVC on cables, etc. Conductors made of copper and aluminium of different sizes were also shown to students. Earthing was also introduced followed by capacitor bank by the resource persons. Control room shown by the staff of MSETCL was an additional interesting part for the students.

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    Industrial visit to terrace of our college VPKBIET, Baramati

    5th November 2022


    Mr. Shivaji Raskar, Mr. Akshay Akhade

    The industrial visit was held on 5th November 2022. Total 78 students were reached to terrace of our college VPKBIET, Baramati under the guidance of Raskar sir. Students studied grid connected solar roof to vpkbiet.

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    Industrial visit to 220 KV Substation, MSETCL, Baramati

    14th October 2022

    TE Electrical

    Mr. Rohit Tarade, Mr. Shivaji Raskar

    This visit was mainly focussed on to understand the procedure involved during generating electrical energy using hydro electric power station. Students were split into three groups. Each group visited the site for approximaltely 1.5 hours.The officer explained about various equipments and their specifications used in Hydro Power Station and actual process of generation of electricity in Power Station. She also explained about the importance of maintenance of equipments and how it is done.

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    Industrial visit to Shreem Electric Ltd., Jaysingpur, Maharashtra.

    20th Sep. 2019

    SE Electrical

    Mr. Rohit Tarade, Mr. Deepak Yeole

    Knowledge of winding section, vacuum and oil filling section, assembly section and paint section forLT and HT power capacitor.

    Industrial visit to LIEBHERR Appliances India Pvt. Ltd., Aurangabad.

    29th August 2019

    BE Electrical

    Mr. Hafiz M. Shaikh , Mr. Ramchandra A. Rakate and Mrs. Sonali Jagtap

    Final Year Electrical Engineering students along with faculty visited to LIEBHERR Appliances India Pvt. Ltd. on 30th August 2019 as a part of SPPU curriculum for subject PLC and SCADA Applications. Liebherr Appliances India, a subsidiary of Switzerland’s Liebherr-Hausgeräte GmbH, has started operations at its Aurangabad manufacturing plant in India. The Aurangabad facility has come up in 22 acres of land and is the phase one of the project. They have a total of 50 acres. Phase-II is yet to be decided. The company anticipates maximum demand from metros and Tier-I and Tier-II cities. The plant has an initial capacity of 5 lakh units a year. Liebherr Appliances plans to manufacture 19 different models this year and during next year the company will add about 22 models. The Liebherr Group consists of more than 130 companies, in more than 50 countries and employs about 42,300 people. The domestic appliances product division manufactures refrigerators and freezers in five countries for private and commercial use, including India.

    Industrial visit to Digvijay Industries, Aurangabad

    29th August 2019

    BE Electrical

    Mr. Hafiz M. Shaikh , Mr. Ramchandra A. Rakate and Mrs. Sonali Jagtap

    Final Year Electrical Engineering students along with faculty visited to Digvijay Industries Aurangabad on 29th August 2019 as a part of SPPU curriculum for subject PSOC. Digvijay Industries, established in the year 2000 as a small manufacturing business firm has presently marked its presence as an ISO 9001-2008 certified company engaged in the manufacturing, supplying of Electrical Power & Distribution Transformers from 2 KVA to 5000KVA & 33KV class. Apart from manufacturing & supplying transformers, they offer reliable repair and maintenance services of Oil-immersed Power & Distribution Transformers up to 10 MVA. The product manufactured using premium grade raw material and modern machines in compliance with the industry laid norms and standards. The transformer is appreciated in the market for its high performance, sturdy construction, reliable performance, trouble-free operations and durability.

    Industrial visit to Sandeepa Power Lines PVT.LTD, Baramati, Pune

    5th April 2019

    TE Electrical

    Knowledge of Transformer core Assembly, LV and HV coil assembly, Transformer Tank and various auxiliary parts of transformer

    Industrial visit to Malegaon Sugar Industry, Malegaon (Budruk)

    20th March 2019

    BE Electrical

    KnowledgeKnowledge of VFD, Co-generation, 132/11 kV transmission substation

    Industrial Visit Baramati Railway Station

    18th March 2019

    TE Electrical

    Knowledge of Electrical traction systems, various equipments used and ratings.

    Industrial visit to Chandrapur-Padghe HVDC Transmission System &SLDC Kalwa,Thane

    24th & 25th Sep 2018

    BE Electrical

    Knowledge of PLC & SCADA and Load despatch center.

    Visit to Automation Expo 2018, Bombay exhibition Center,Bombay

    1st Sep 2018


    Various projects in the field of Industrial IOT, Robotics, Power Electronics and Industrial Automation were center of attraction for all the visitors.

    Industrial Visit to Kulkarni Power Tools Ltd., Shirol, Dist. Kolhapur

    23rd August 2018

    TE- Electrical

    Technical Area of Exposure: Knowledge of winding shop, assembly shop and electric vehicle plant

    Industrial Visit to 220/132/33kV Baramati (MIDC) Transmission Substation

    16th March 2018

    BE- Electrical

    Knowledge of lightning arrester(MOV type), SF6 Circuit Breaker, Isolator, Current transformer, Potential transformer, protective relay,Insulation test (by tan delta method), Insulation resistance test, Control panel in control room.

    The Malegaon Sahkari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Malegaon

    26th Feb. 2018


    Knowledge of co-generation power plant, load management & drives used in the plant

    132/33KV Transmission Substation, Baramati

    21st Feb. 2018


    Knowledge of Switch yard, substation Equipments& its functions.

    Baramati Engineering Pvt. Ltd.

    21st Feb. 2018

    SE- Electrical

    Foundry casting company.

    Mahati Industries Pvt. Ltd.

    3rd April 2018

    TE- Electrical

    Knowledge of manufacturing, testing and repair/refurbishing of Power Transformers.

    Guest Lectures

    Name of Speaker/Guest Topic Date Download Report
    Guest Lectures 2023-24
    Mr. Mhasu Misal, Executive Engineer, MAHADISCOM
    Mr. Madhukar Salve, Additional Executive Engineer, MAHADISCOM
    Mr. Pradip Survase, Deputy Executive Engineer, MAHADISCOM
    An Expert Talk on “Solar Roof Top Sarvodaya Scheme of MSEDCL for Sustainable Energy” 07/02/2024
    Mr. Suresh Umap
    Ex. Regional Officer (MCED),
    Shivmudra Innovative Foundation,
    Founder and Chairman, Pune
    An Expert Talk on ‘Entrepreneurship Ethics' 06/02/2024
    Dr. Nilesh Mahajan, Director, Ayurved Yoga Hospital Director,
    Yoga Mahavidyalaya, Baramati
    An Expert Talk on ‘Mental Health and Power Breathing Techniques' 06/02/2024
    Mr. Narendra Nath Banarjee
    CEO & founder of Botics Edutech Pvt. ltd. Pune
    An Expert Talk on ‘Job Opportunities in the field of Arduino, Robotics and IoT' 02/02/2024
    Guest Lectures 2022-23
    Dr. Umesh S Kollimat An expert talk on 'Personality Development and Professional Ethics' 16/02/2023
    Guest Lectures 2021-22
    Mr. Prakash Choudhari
    Executive Engineer(Retired) MSETCL, Padhghe HVDC Terminal
    Recent Trends and Practical Aspects in HVDC Transmission Techniques 04/05/2022
    Dr. Dnyaneshwar Pawar(Homeopathic) Importance of Mental Health and Power Breathing Techniques 28/03/2022
    - Guest lecture series for GATE 2022 19/01/2022 to 25/01/2022 -
    Mr. Prahasrh Fulzel
    Future Leader Marketing, India
    Mr. Deepanjan Lamture
    Decision analytics associate, ZS Associates
    Mr. Akash Pawar
    Digital Strategist at iTransparity Alumni VPKBIET (2016 Batch)
    Entrepreneurship and Start-up basics Techniques 18/09/2021
    Guest Lectures 2020-21
    Dr. Umesh S. Kollimath Professional Ethics for Engineer 21/05/2021
    Guest Lectures 2019-20
    Ms. Smita Khatri, Asst .Prof from AIMS, Baramati. Professional Ethics and Personality Development 11/03/2020

    Department Academic Calendar

    ELESA : Electrical Engineering Students Association

    • About ELESA

      ELESA is an Electrical Engineering Students Association which provides platform for students to exhibit the hidden talent. It is also helpful for enhancement of their talent to make them competent for day to day challenges in new technological field.

      ELESA organises various technical events like paper presentation, technical poster presentation, word a minute, circuit idea and implementation, etc. to bridge the gap between academics curriculum and its practical implementation. Along with this, ELESA also organises debate competition, group discussion, cultural events like photography, best from waste, Rangoli competition etc. which are helpful for enhancement of management and communication skill, personality development, event management and team work.

      Apart from technical and cultural, ELESA organises some social awareness programmes like energy conservation, electrical safety,tree plantation which adds to value education, ethics and social responsibility.


        • To develop the ability to work in multi-disciplinary aspects.
        • To make the students aware of new emerging technology by arranging industrial visit, workshop and guest lectures.
        • To showcase their talent in extracurricular activities.
        • To nurture the student with technical capabilities and talent so as to make them competent in global world.
        • To serve the society with humanity, moral and ethics for betterment of our social life.


      Name Post
      Mrs. V. V. Deokate Faculty Coordinator
      Student Coordinators
      BE-Ritesh Satish Sakhare President
      TE-Omkar Mohan More Vice president
      BE-Amey Vaibhav Pawar Treasurer
      BE-Rupesh Bhivaji Gaikwad Co-curricular Head
      BE-Mayur Krushana Kokare Publicity Head
      BE-Vaishnavi Shashikant Kumbhar Creativity Head
      TE- Shruti Mahadev Kekan Co-curricular Coordinator
      TE- Abhijeet Rajendra Pawar Publicity Coordinator
      TE-Sakshi Hanumant Lembe Creativity Coordinator
      BE- Sanika Shivdas Shedge
      TE-Akshay Krushna Taware
      TE- Shridhar Nitin Thombare
      SE-Rushikesh Shahaji Kokate
      SE-Vansh Prashant Kuratkar
      SE-Aditya Sunil Ghadge
      Co-curricular Member
      BE-Omkar Rajeshwar Pillewar
      TE-Swapnil Jaykumar Raskar
      TE-Pawan Umakant Bhujbak
      SE- Aditya Nivratti Wadkar
      SE-Aditya Saudagar Masalkar
      SE-Lokesh Bapu Kharat
      Publicity Member
      BE- Payal Bajirao Atole
      TE-Abhay Sunil Kadam
      TE-Akash Ajit Sathe
      SE-Jayesh Shivaram Bajabale
      SE-Bhuvaneshwar Mahesh Panchakshari
      SE-Vishal Zagade
      Creativity Member


      A Technical Quiz Competition organized by ELESA

      24th Jan. 2024

      Coordinator: Mrs. Vaishali Deokate

      The intention of this technical quiz is to evaluate one’s own understanding in the field of Electrical Engineering and current affairs.

      The Electrical Students Association (ELESA) of VPKBIET, Baramati has organized a Technical Quiz Competition on Wednesday, 24th January 2024 at 02:45 PM for the department level students of SE, TE and BE. The group was of 3 students for the competition. Total 24 groups were participated in the competition. The inauguration of the event was done by honorable Principal Dr. R.S. Bichakar. There was total 4 rounds conducted in the competition. The weightage of technical question was 70% and for current affairs it was 30%. Elect Engg Day 15-9-23.pd

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      Engineer’s Day & Teacher’s Day Function

      15th Sept. 2023

      Coordinator: Mrs. Vaishali Deokate

      Department of Electrical Engineering, Vidya Pratishthan's Kamalnayan Bajaj Institute of Technology, Baramati, has organized “Engineer’s Day & Teacher’s Day” for respective faculty members from Electrical Engineering Department, on Friday, 15th Sept. 2023 from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM, in association with Electrical Engineering Students Association (ELESA).

      The event starts with inspiring speeches from the principal, teachers, and students, highlighting the importance of teachers and engineers. Students show their appreciation by giving roses and pens to teachers.

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      Poster Presentation competition on Project Based Learning

      30th May 2022

      Coordinator: Mr. Shivaji Raskar & Mrs. Shreemanti Rokade

      Department of Electrical Engineering, Vidya Pratishthan's Kamalnayan Bajaj Institute of Technology, Baramati, has organized a " Poster Presentation competition on Project Based Learning " for Second Year Students on 30th May 2022, Saturday, from 10 AM to 03.30 PM, in association with Electrical Students Association (ELESA & ISTE). The Second year students have presented the posters and projects from the various research areas like Electrical Vehicles, Microgrid, renewable energy resources, IOT, and switch gears in the form of simulations and hardware’s results. Dr. R. S. Bichkar, Principal, VPKBIET, Prof. Sudhir Lande, Prof. Anil Hivarekar Sir, Prof. Vishal Kore, Prof. Suraj Kumbhar, Prof.Dinesh Hanchat and Prof. Rohit Tarade Sir inaugurated the function by cutting the ribbon on the entrance of Workshop. All coordinators of the ELESA, Faculty from the Electrical Engineering Department contributed to completing this event successfully. The expert faculty evaluated the projects from the Electrical Department based on the quality of posters, project ideas, presentations, and reports.

      3) Farewell function for Final Year Students

      27th May 2022

      Coordinator: Mr. Shivaji Raskar

      Department of Electrical Engineering, Vidya Pratishthan's Kamalnayan Bajaj Institute of Technology, Baramati, has organized a " Farewell Function " for Final Year Students on Saturday, 27th May 2022 from 4.00 PM to 09.30 PM, in association with Electrical Students Association (ELESA). The third and final year students have presented and participated in cultural events, ramp walks, and various funny games. Dr. R. S. Bichkar, Principal, VPKBIET, Prof. Sudhir Lande, Tarade Sir have shared their words with final year students and guided them for future career growth. Final Year students and faculties from Electrical Departments shared their memories at the time of the Event. At the last of Event Department of Electrical Engineering has organised a dinner to all faculties and students. All coordinators of the ELESA, Faculty from the Electrical Engineering Department contributed to completing this Event successfully.

      Project & Poster presentation competition

      14th May 2022

      Coordinator: Mr. Shivaji Raskar & Mrs. Vaishali Deokate

      Department of Electrical Engineering, Vidya Pratishthan's Kamalnayan Bajaj Institute of Technology, Baramati, has organized a "Project and Poster presentation Competition" for Final Year Students on 14th May 2022, Saturday, from 10 AM to 01.30 PM, in association with Electrical Students Association (ELESA) & ISTE). The final year students have presented the posters and projects from the various research areas like Electrical Vehicles, Microgrid, renewable energy resources, IOT, and switch gears in the form of simulations and hardware’s results. Dr. R. S. Bichkar, Principal, VPKBIET, Dr. Anil Hivarekar Sir, and Mr.Rohit Tarade Sir inaugurated the function by cutting the ribbon, and Lord Ganapati Pujan. All coordinators of the ELESA, Faculty from the Electrical Engineering Department contributed to completing this event successfully. The expert faculty evaluated the projects from the Electrical Department based on the quality of posters, project ideas, presentations, and reports.

      Guest Lecture on the Topic “Recent Trends and Practical Aspects in HVDC Transmission”

      4th May 2022

      Coordinator: Mr. Shivaji Raskar

      Department of Electrical Engineering, VPKBIET, organized an Expert lecture on the topic “Recent Trends and Practical Aspects in HVDC Transmission” on 04/05/2022 from 10.00 am to 1.30 pm on the online platform for TE & BE students. The resource person for this lecture was from MAHATRANSCO, Mr. Prakash Choudhari, a retired executive engineer experienced in HVDC Transmission system.

      He talked about Inventions, history, needs for HVDC transmission, HVDC Transmission in India, and recent trends. Mr. Shivaji Raskar has coordinated this lecture. Mr. Rohit Tarade, HOD, Electrical Engineering Department, and R. S. Bichkar were guided to arrange this lecture. The ISTE branch, VPKBIET, gave financial support for the expert lecture. From the feedback of the students, this lecture was very helpful for the academics as well as research.

      Link to watch the recorded lecture is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DuxpK9o7mqCswOoXXqQJsv44ptQTGVeG/view?usp=sharing

      "ENERGIZE 2020

      22nd to 26th May 2020

      Total 1500 Participants from around 750+ institutes across Maharashtra had participated in the online quiz.

      Name of Student Coordinators :
      Ashwini Kolekar (BE Electrical)
      Poonam Kolaskar (BE Electrical)
      Sakshi Kulakarni (TE Electrical)
      Vaibhav Nagargoje (TE Electrical)
      Shubham Landge (TE Electrical)
      Siddhi Popade (SE Electrical)

      VOLTZ-FEST 2K20

      13 and 14 January 2020

      Department of Electrical Engineering organised the Technical Event VOLTZ-FEST 2K20 on 13 and 14 January 2020. It was organised under ELESA and ISTE. Various competitions were organised during this program. Circuit implementation event provided a practical learning of electrical circuits for students. Exposure of technical and non-technical events for the students encouraged them to improve their career skills. Various competitions included poster presentation, extempore, debate, photography, idea presentation and mini-project competition.