VPKBIET | Baramati

Entrepreneurship Development Cell (ED Cell)

To develop successful entrepreneurs with integrity, innovation and leadership qualities to serve the society
  • To inculcate entrepreneurial culture and spirit among the students by providing guidance and mentoring through various programs
  • To identify the potential entrepreneurs and facilitate them the support from ideation, IPR filing to startup establishment
    Short Term Goals:
  • To build a sustainable ecosystem for promoting entrepreneurship culture in young minds
  • To impart the entrepreneurial skills among the students by organizing workshops and seminars.
  • To develop a network of set of resources including students, faculties, mentors, angel investors, venture capitalists through startup/technology
          fares, expert talks and competitions
    Long Term Goals:
  • To establish a sustainable technology business incubator
  • Composition
    Name Department Email Id
    Dr.R.S.Bichkar Chairman, Principal, VPKBIET, Baramati principal.vpkbiet@vidyapratishthan.com
    Mrs. Jyoti Rangole Institute Coordinator, Assist. Prof. edcell@vpkbiet.org / jyoti.rangole@vpkbiet.org
    Department Coordinators:
    Mr. Shrikrishna Kolhar Electronics and Tele. Comm. Engineering shrikrishna.kolhar@vpkbiet.org
    Mr. Hanumant Borate Mechanical Engineering hanumant.borate@vpkbiet.org
    Mr. Santosh Kare IT Engineering santosh.kare@vpkbiet.org
    Mrs. Shrimanti Rokade Electrical Engineering shreemanti.rokade@vpkbiet.org
    Mr. Umesh Jagdale Civil Engineering umesh.jagdale@vpkbiet.org

    Coordinator Profile

    Dr. Jyoti Rangole





    Email Id:

    Dr. Jyoti Rangole

    Assistant Professor

    B.E.(Electronics), M.Tech.(Digital System),Ph.D.


    Brief Profile :
    Jyoti Rangole received her Bachelor's degree in Electronics Engineering from Shivaji University in year 2001. She received M.Tech. (Digital System) in year 2009 from College of Engineering, Pune. She has completed her Ph.D. in the area of Underwater Signal Processing at SRTMUN, Nanded in Sep. 2020. Her research center is Shri Guru Govind Singh Engineering and Technology, Nanded.

    During her 15+ years tenure at VPKBIET, Baramati, she has worked in different capacities like Head of Department, IEEE, WIE, Coordinator, PG Coordinator, Project Coordinator, Department NBA coordinator, Institute Entrepreneurship Development Cell coordinator.

    Jyoti teaches Signals and Systems, Digital Image Processing, Microcontrollers, Embedded System and RTOS, Mini Project and Seminar. Her areas of interest include Underwater Acoustic Signal/Image Processing, Biomedical Image Processing, Automation in Agriculture and Sericulture Industries and Product Development.

    She has on her credit two research projects funded by BCUD SPPU (Project Duration 2012-2014, 2016-2018). She has presented her research contributions in various International Conferences and journals. She has filed three patents in year 2019-2020. She is the university level winner of Avishkar 2017 in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Teacher Category. She is actively involved in attracting the research grants from various national funding agencies including AICTE, DST, and RGSTC, etc. She guides the students in product design and development and helps them to register their startups. Two of her students have registered their startup in year 2020. Currently she is working as institute coordinator for implementation of Innovation and Startup Policy.

    Teaching/ Research Areas :
    Subjects taught: Microprocessor, Microcontrollers, Embedded System Design, Advanced Processors, Signals and Systems, Digital Image Processing, Network Theory, Mini project.

    Research interest: Modeling and simulation, Data analytics, Underwater acoustics, Digital Image Processing

    Research Projects Completed/Ongoing :
    Working as Principal Investigator for project titled, Side Scan SONAR Image Analysis: An application to sediment classification, funded by SPPU, BCUD, Pune. Grant received: Rs.1, 40,000/- (Project Duration: Year 2016-2018)

    Worked as Principal Investigator for project titled, Automatic Counting of Silkworm Eggs Using Image Processing, funded by SPPU, BCUD, Pune. Grant received: Rs. 2, 31,000/-(Project Duration: Year 2012-2014)

    Publication in Peer-Reviewed National and International Journals and Book Chapters:
    Statistical characterization of an underwater channel in a tropical shallow freshwater lake system, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer book series, 2019 (Scopus Indexed).

    A computationally-efficient model for determining sound speed in shallow tropical freshwater systems, with field validation, Journal of Lake and Reservoirs Research and Management, Wiley Publication, 2019 (Scopus Indexed).

    Validation of model-based techniques for characterization of surface sediment at Khadakwasala Lake with field data, Indian Journal of Geophysical Union, 2019 (UGC-CARE).

    Automatic silkworm egg counting mechanism for sericulture, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 216, 2014, pp. 121-128 Springer India, 2016 (Scopus Indexed).

    International Conferences :
    Echo signal analysis for underwater sediment classification in tropical regions," OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey, Monterey, CA, 2016, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/OCEANS.2016.7761370.

    Precise estimation of sound velocity profile and its impact on sediment classification in the tropical shallow freshwater reservoirs," 2015 IEEE Underwater Technology (UT), Chennai, 2015, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/UT.2015.7108227.

    Sediment classification using side scan-sonar imagery, 12th Western Pacific Acoustic Conference, Singapore, pp. 445-448, 2015, ISBN: 978-981-09-7961-4.

    Vision system for automatic counting of silkworm eggs," International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems (ICICES2014), Chennai, 2014, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICICES.2014.7034036.

    Detection of leukemia in microscopic images using image processing," 2014 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, Melmaruvathur, 2014, pp. 255-259, doi: 10.1109/ICCSP.2014.6949840.

    Implementation of image processing algorithms on FPGA, International Journal Technology World 2010, Malaysia. 16.Edge detection for real time image processing using FPGA, International Conference on Science and Technology, Dhule, 2010.

    Patents Filed: No. of patents filed: 03 :
  • Low-cost Underwater Glider for Scientific Data Acquisition, Patent ID: 201921038265
  • Multi-purpose Egg Hatcher Machine, Patent ID: 201921038268
  • Design of Automatic sugarcane cutter with bud detection, Patent ID: 201921046618
    Product Development :
  • Multipurpose Egg Hatcher Machine
  • Automatic Sugarcane Bud Detection and Cutting Machine
  • Automatic Sanitization Systems
    Student Startups Registered :
  • Hatchlogic Pvt. Ltd., Ahmadnagar, Maharashtra
  • Innovatic Pvt. Ltd., Baramati, Maharashtra
    Awards/Achievements :
    Summer Faculty Research Fellow at IIT, Delhi from 29 May 2012 to 12 July 2012 under the guidance of Dr. Sumantra Dutta Roy.

    Stood second in the Ph.D. entrance test conducted by Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University.

    University level winner in Avishkar 2017 competition in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (Teacher Category- SPPU, Pune).

    Second prize in Rotary Water Olympiad 2017 organized by Rotary and SPPU, Pune for the research work in Sediment classification using acoustic techniques.

    Presented research work at Water Olympiad Competition organized by Rotary and University of Pune, 2019.

    Outcome of Students’ Project Guided :
  • Project titled, Sugarcane Bud Detection and Cutting Machine won Second Prize at Navonmesh 2020, organized by, Atal Incubation Center, ADT, Baramati.
  • Project titled, Multipurpose Egg Hatcher Machine, received incubation from Atal Incubation Center, ADT, Baramati.
  • Project titled, Underwater Robot for Scientific Data Acquisition, shortlisted in top 21 National level finalists at eYantra Idea Competition, 2019, organized by IIT, Bombay.
  • Project titled, Underwater Robot for Scientific Data Acquisition, won consolation prize at IETE, Innovation Competition 2019, organized by, IETE, Pune.
  • Project titled, Sediment classification using Side Scan Sonar, won third prize at IEEE project competition in Signal and Image Processing, 2015, organized by, IEEE, Pune section.
  • Project titled, Brain MRI Segmentation, won the third prize worth $500, at IEEE MTTS video competition 2016 project competition, IEEE.
  • Contact Us
    Mrs. Jyoti Rangole
    Institute Coordinator,
    Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Telecomm. Engg.
    Email Id: edcell@vpkbiet.org / jyoti.rangole@vpkbiet.org
    Product Development Journey
    Mr. Paigambar Shaikh
    Mr. Paigambar Rashid Shaikh graduated in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from VPKBIET, Baramati in year 2020. He launched his start-up in September 2020. At present, he is working as the director of HatchlogicElectrosolutions Company. He started his journey with an academic mini-project in the third year of engineering. The project was based on designing a low-cost multipurpose egg hatchery machine to improve the rural economy. He presented the system at various state and national level innovation and start-up competitions. His efforts were appreciated at AICTE, DST & Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019, “NAVONMESH BOOT CAMP” organized by AIC ADT Baramati. His patent on the said technology got published in March 2021. Dr.Jyoti Rangole, his project guide and Head of Entrepreneurship Development Cell (ED Cell) of VPKBIET, Baramati, helped him in the journey from prototype development to launching a start-up. With the support from the ED cell of the institute, he was connected with BYST Pune, who helped him in raising the seed funds to initiate the start-up.

    Ms. Aishwarya Fulari
    Ms. Aishwarya Fulari, post graduated in Electronics- Digital System from VPKBIET, Baramati, in year 2020. Her product development journey started with an academic project which aimed at design of automatic sugarcane cutter with bud detection. The system is a blend of Artificial Intelligence, the cutting-edge technology and mechatronics. The system will help the farmers to a greater extent by assuring 100% planation. This could result in increased sugarcane yield and improve the agriculture economy. She presented the system at state and National level innovation and start-up competitions such as Avishkar, Novonmesh 2020 at AIC-ADT, Baramati. The patent filed on this technology is now published. Institute helped her at every stage of product research and development. She worked in close association with her project guides, Dr. Sudhir Lande and Dr. Jyoti Rangole.

    Mr. Akshay Budhabal and Swarali Babar
    Mr. Akshay Uday Budhabal, a student from second year Mechanical Engineering and Ms. Swarali Sunil Babar, a student of second year Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, from VP’s Kamalnayan Bajaj Institute of Engineering and Technology, Baramati, has started their own Start -Up called “CLOVER”, a 3D printer manufacturing firm. During a pandemic situation, these two students work on the idea to develop innovative and cost-effective 3D Printer. They shared their ideas with their faculty member, Dr. Vipin B. Gawande, Assistant Professor, from Department of Mechanical Engineering and as a team they work together to develop their own 3D Printer. The printer has various features like low noise, easy handling, efficient and cost effective.

    A 3D printer is based on additive manufacturing and print three dimensional (3D) parts with ease. This technology has a vast application in the field of automobile, manufacturing industry, aerospace, space, education etc. The 3D printer developed by this team is now available in the institute to develop various 3D objects and product as a part of academic projects. At the same time, under the shelter of Institute Entrepreneurship Cell, the team CLOVER is working on the expansion of their startup. Recently, they have presented their product in the KRUSHAK-2021, agricultural exhibition organized by Krushiby KrushiVidnyan Kendra, Baramati.

    Mr. Alok Babar
    Mr. Alok Chandrashekhar Babar studying in Final Year (Electronics and Telecommunication) Engineering, at VPKBIET, Baramati, launched his start-up in November 2020. He is working as a director of BYTE ELECTRONICS Company which is particularly involved in PCB design and manufacturing. He is also keen on designing electronics automation systems for the healthcare and agriculture sector. In covid 19 pandemic, he worked with Dr.Jyoti Rangole for designing sanitization systems including a hand sanitization machine, UV disinfection box, and medical oxygen saving system.

    He participated in various workshops, webinars, guest lectures organized by the Entrepreneurship Development Cell (ED Cell) of VPKBIET, Baramati, which motivated him to choose entrepreneurship as the career option.

    Startup Registered
    Number of Patents filed: 13 (Out of which 2 Published)
    Number of student startups registered: 6
    Sr. No Name of Startup Name of Student/Faculty
    1. Aeronics Pvt. Ltd. Aishwarya Phulari
    2. Hatchlogic Electro solutions Pvt. Ltd. Paigambar Shaikh
    3. Innovatic Pvt. Ltd. Mosam Bhong
    4. Clover Akshay Bhujbal
    Swarali Babar
    Dr.Vipin Gawande
    5. Byte Electronics Alok Babar
    6. Renu Electricals Vaibhav Nagargoje

    Innovation and Startup
    Efforts of students and faculty members in product development:
    Sr. No Name of Startup Name of Student/Faculty
    1. Automatic sugarcane bud detection and cutting machine Aishwarya Phulari, Anuj Fulari, Shubham Kumbhar, Amol Pawar
    2. Multipurpose egg hatcher Paigambar Shaikh
    3. Smart sanitization systems Mosam Bhong
    4. UV Disinfection box Alok Babar
    5. 3D printer Akshay Bhujbal
    Swarali Babar
    Dr.Vipin Gawande
    6. Medical oxygen saving system Alok Babar
    7. Real-time automation systems Vaibhav Nagargoje

    Faculty and Student Participation in Innovation/Startup Competitions

    Ms. Shivpriya Yadav. Ms. Payal Yadav. Mr.Swanand Khaladkar and Mr.Vaijnath Khomane Students and faculty Dr. Vinay J. Nagalkar of ENTC Dept. won 3rd Prize at Nashik Engineering Cluster Innovation Challenge 2019 and got seed funding for the patented project.

    Students of Electronics and Tele. Department won first prize in Smart India Hackathon 2019 held at DSU Banglore Nodal Center. They received incubation and cash prize of Rs. 50000/- from Mahyco MNC. During SIH 2019 students interacted with ISRO Scientist and Directors of MNC and got exposure to current cutting edge technologies.
    Team: Surgical Strike.
    1) Mr. Rushikesh Kale.
    2) Mr. Nivrutti Kadam.
    3) Miss. Samata Surwase.
    4) Miss. Shraddha Raje.
    5) Miss. Vaishnavi Vidhate.
    6) Miss. Poonam Pawar.
    7) Mr. Vaijnath Khomane.
    Mentors: Dr. V. J. Nagalkar & Prof. Sonal Nikam

    The following student groups shortlisted for the second round of i2i 2019-20 project competition organized by COEP's BHAU Cell

    The following student groups shortlisted for the third round of i2i 2019-20 project competition organized by COEP's BHAU Cell

    Two projects received incubation from Atal Incubation Centre At Agricultural Development Trust Baramati
    Project Title:
    1. Multipurpose Egg Hatching Machine
    Name of Student: Paigambar Shaikh
    Name of Guide: Jyoti Rangole

    2. Automatic Sugarcane Bud Detection and Cutting System
    Name of Student: Aishwarya Fulari
    Name of Guide: Dr. Sudhir Lande, Mrs. Jyoti Rangole, Mr. Vinay Nagalkar

    The project titled, Sugarcane Bud Detection and Cutting Machine developed by the Ms. Aishwarya Fulari, Mr. Anuj Fulari students of E&TC Department and faculties Prof. Jyoti Rangole and Dr.Vinay J Nagalkar won Second Prize at Navonmesh 2020, organized by, Atal Incubation Center, ADT, Baramati.

    Idea pitching mentoring session by Dr. Mugdhja Lele and Dr. Smita kale from venture center, Pune

    Project titled ” Multipurpose Egg Hatcher Machine” shortlisted for quarter final round of AICTE, DST and Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest.
    Shortlisted Students
    1. Paigambar Shakh B.E (E&Tc)
    2. Prerna Kumbhar B.E(E&Tc)
    3. Kanchan Rajguru B.E(E&Tc)
    4. Swapnil Jadhav T.E(E&Tc)
    5. Poonam Jadhav T.E(E&TC)

    TE(E&Tc) students received consolation prize for project titled Underwater robot for scientific data acquisition at IETE, Pune Centre Innovation 2019 Project Competition

    1. Sohel Shaikh
    2. Bhupali Nagane
    3. Suraj More
    Mentor: Jyoti Rangole

    TE(E&Tc) students project titled Smart Energy Meter got shortlisted among top 18 projects in IETE,Pune Centre Innovation 2019 Project Competition
    1. Kanchan Rajguru
    2. Shubhangi Pawar
    Mentor: Jyoti Rangole

    TE(E&Tc) students project on “Underwater Robot for Scientific Data Acquisition” shortlisted among top 21 teams from all over India in eYIC 2019 competition, organized by IIT, Bombay on 5th and 6th April 2019.

    Student Team: 1. Sohel Shaikh
    2. Shubham Kumbhar
    3. Bhupali Nagne
    4. Komal Nagawade
    Mentor: Jyoti Rangole

    Students of Electronics and Telecommunication and faculty Prof. J.S.Rangole Assistant Professor presented agriculture products to Hon. CM and Deputy CM, Maharashtra state during Krushik 2020.

    Presentation of Automatic Hand Sanitization Machine developed by the student startup (Name of student: Mosam Bhong, Name of Startup: Innovatics Pvt. Ltd.) to Hon.DCM, Maharashatra State, Shri. Ajitdada Pawar and Hon. Trustees of Vidya Pratishthan

    Proposals Submitted
    Sr. No Scheme Funding Agency Date Remarks
    1. New Generation Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (NewGen IEDC) NSTEDB, Department of science and Technology, Govt. of India 13 July 2019 Grant worth Rs. 2.87 Cr for a period of five years
    Ten student projects submitted in year 2019-2020
    2. NIDHI, PRAYAS Department of science and Technology, Govt. of India Five student projects will be submitted


    Activity Name Date Download Report
    Workshop on 3D Printing 26 Dec. 2023 Download Report
    Workshop on Robotics and Automation 20 Dec. 2023 Download Report
    Two day Arduino Programming and Simulation 21 & 22 Oct. 2023 Download Report
    A session on Start-up Ecosystem India and Globe 18 Oct. 2023 Download Report
    Role of Soft Aspects in Technological Development 15 Sept. 2023 Download Report
    Webinar on Patent Drafting 11 Sept. 2023 Download Report
    Training on 3D Printer Technology and Hands on Session 28 Mar. 2023 Download Report


    Activity Name Date Download Report
    Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp 25 Aug. 2022 Download Report
    Success story of an Entrepreneur 23 Aug. 2022 Download Report
    Session on Innovation/Prototype Validation – Converting Innovation into a Start-up 22 Aug. 2022 Download Report
    Session on Angel Investment/VC Funding Opportunity for Early Stage Entrepreneurs. 17 Aug. 2022 Download Report
    Mentoring session on IIC activities and ARIIA, NIRF Ranking 13 Aug. 2022 Download Report
    Workshop on Exploring Innovation 29 July 2022 Download Report
    Workshop on Prototype/Process Design and Development - Prototyping 28 July 2022 Download Report
    Motivational session by entrepreneur/ startup founder 27 July 2022 Download Report
    IPR & IP Management for Start up 27 July 2022 Download Report
    Webinar on Role of Incubation centre in nurturing start up 25 July 2022 Download Report
    Visit to ADT Innovation and Incubation centre 25 June 2022 Download Report


    Activity Name Date Download Report
    An expert talk on “Funding Opportunities for Entrepreneurs” 3 Sep. 2021 Download Report
    Expert Talk on Journey from Ideas to Start-Up 20 Aug. 2021 Download Report
    Awareness Program on Intellectual Property Rights 17 Aug. 2021 Download Report


    Activity Name Date Download Report
    BYST’s Entrepreneur Online Learning (EOL) Programme 27-28 Jan. 2021 Download Report
    Webinar Series on Entrepreneurship Development 26-29 Oct. 2020 Download Report


    Activity Name Date Download Report
    Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust Mentor Development Programme 28-29 Feb. 2020 Download Report
    Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust Mentor Development Programme 14-15 Feb. 2020 Download Report
    Talk and Mentoring Clinic on- Science Entrepreneurship and Funding Opportunities for Science & Technology Products 5 Feb. 2020 Download Report

    A Talk and Mentoring Clinic on Science Entrepreneurship and Funding Opportunities for Science and Technology Products by Dr. Smita Kale and Dr. Mugdha Lele from Venture Center, Pune on 5 Feb 2020


    Activity Name Date Download Report
    Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp 21-23 Dec. 2017 Download Report
    A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Signed

    MOU Signed with Industry/Organization Date of Signing Report
    Atal Incubation Center-Agricultural Development Trust Baramati Foundation Baramati 13 Jan. 2020 Download
    Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (MCED) Agri. College Campus, Shivajinagar 28 Dec. 2018 Download